和楽器奏者 塚本隼也が全ての楽器を自分で演奏しました。
和太鼓、津軽三味線、篠笛、鳴り物、獅子舞 全て担当しています。
"New World" was composed with the feeling of supporting and supporting those who are working hard in a new environment and those who are about to start something.
I hope many people will watch it.
Japanese instrument player Junya Tsukamoto played all the instruments himself.
Japanese drum, japanese guitar, japanese flute, musical instruments, and lion dance are all in charge.
가명단체・협회 | 인바운드 비즈니스 협회 |
영업시간 | 10 : 00 ~ 17 : 00 |
정휴일 | 토요일·일요일·공휴일 |
잠시만 기다려주십시오