Kyoto Abeya Japanese Cultral Experiences

Kyoto Abeya Japanese Cultral Experiences의 특징

Centuries-old traditional arts and crafts are still alive and well in modern Japan. Interested in trying them out for yourself? We offer affordable experience classes in a typical dwelling from the mid-20th century located in central Kyoto. We are a 4-min walk from Shijo station and open from 8:20 am to 8:30 pm. Classes are held in English.

Kyoto Abeya Japanese Cultral Experiences의 입소문・체험담

입소문・체험담은 없습니다

Kyoto Abeya Japanese Cultral Experiences의 정보

가입보험의 정보 주식회사 USEN 화재보험 5000만
재적스텝인원수 3
인스트럭터인원수 2

Kyoto Abeya Japanese Cultral Experiences의 영업시간

오사카부 히라카타시 호시오카 3-21-18
영업시간 8:20~20:30
정휴일 미정

잠시만 기다려주십시오

활동 체험으로부터 찾는다
로드 중