あきざくら【AKIZAKURA】의 특징

Immerse yourself in the Japanese kimono culture in Tokyo's Yanaka district. Dress up in authentic kimonos, take a stroll while wearing it, and let your guide captures the moment with photos.

あきざくら【AKIZAKURA】의 취급플랜일람

あきざくら【AKIZAKURA】의 입소문・체험담

입소문・체험담은 없습니다

あきざくら【AKIZAKURA】의 스텝소개

  • Sayoko Yamamura

    Hi, I'm a producer of Kimono Umbrella, which is created by upcycling kimono, and a kimono dresser.The kimono upcycling brand [AKIZAKURA], which I launched in 2017, was featured in Korean TV programmes, Kawaii international", and in many magazines, radio and other media. As a kimono dresser, I have dressed approximately 1,000 people in Japan, Singapore and France, and I have also taught kimono knowledge and etiquette to others. Umbrella are very beautiful, So, you can have comfortable time with wonderful smile!

あきざくら【AKIZAKURA】의 정보

재적스텝인원수 1

あきざくら【AKIZAKURA】의 영업시간

도쿄도 오타구 미나미마고메 4-10-20-201
영업시간 9:00~22:00
정휴일 없음

잠시만 기다려주십시오

활동 체험으로부터 찾는다
로드 중