Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
Driving Support in Akitaの紹介画像
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Driving Support in Akita

  • 초심자환영・첫도전
  • 상급자
  • 라이센스 필수
  • 빈손참가
  • 1인참가가능
  • 전세가능
  • 우천개최가능
  • 예약가능 인원수
  • 참가연령
    0세 ~ 99
  • 소요시간
    당일 6시간 이상

Are you interested in driving in Japan? If you have any concerns, how about accompanying with Korean English-speaking guide on the first day of driving?This service includes explanation of traffic rules, support for your driving, and interpreter guide. accompany you for about 8 hours during the day.We will also guide you outside of Akita City.In Korea, you drive on the left. You may not be used to seeing Korean signs.A lot of sightseeing spots are convenient to visit by car .You may be able to go to places that you can't go on regular sightseeing trips.We could support your driving from next to your seat as English speaking guide.We will explain traffic signs, signals, and rules.Our service is ava not only on the first day of driving, but also on the middle and last day of driving.You can enjoy your trip to Japan with your original course.Would you like to travel with the freedom to take breaks and eat whenever you like?Explo Akita's tourist spots together.

요금에 대하여


※기재요금은 세금포함입니다
※상기는 기본요금입니다
※일정에 따라 요금이 다를 경우가 있사오니 일정을 선택한후 표시되는 요금을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다

  • 온라인 결제
툭정상법에 관한 표시 툭정상법에 관한 표시
예약 취소 수수료 발생 일 출발일의 1 일전부터 취소 수수료가 발생합니다.
캔슬에 관하여 Please note that in the case of cancellation due to customer circumstances,the following cancellation fee will be charged.■Cancellation on the day before:50%■Cancellation on the day :50%■No-show :100%(No refund)
개최중지에 관하여 ·The tour might be cancelled in case of heavy snow or typhoon.·This tour will take place rain or shine.

플랜에 관한 상세정보

최소개최인원수 1
예약가능 인원수 1~1
소요시간에 관하여
당일 6시간 이상
Your guide will accompany you for about 8 hours during the day. You can start at your desired time between 8:00-12:00.
개최기간 통년
집합시간 Please let us know your desired start time in advance.You can start at your desired time between 8:00-12:00.
예약마감 직접 도래 전에 一天 11:59

탈의실 화장실
샤워 주차장

복장・준비물에 관하여 ・Driver's license ・International driver's license

코스참가에 있어서 주의점 Full covered rental car insurance is recommended.Please prepare one seat for your guide in your car.Persons who do not have a driver's license or international driver's license cannot use this service.■Not allowed·Intoxication·Alcoholic drin

액서스・ 지도


Meet your guide at your designated location below.·Akita Airport·JR Akita Station or any Station of JR Ou(오우) Line between Akita to Yuzawa·Any Hotel in the center of Akita city·Car rental agencies near JR stations or Akita AirportThe pick -up & drop-off locations for guide will be determined in consultation with your guide. Basically, it will be a train station within Akita Prefecture or Akita Airport. If you would like to specify another location, please contact us in advance.

모두의 체험담 0

플랜에 관한 Q&A

플랜에 관한 질문은 없습니다

플랜의 제공사업자

안전면에 관한 어필 포인트

Tours are covered by travel agency insurance or guide insurance.Snowmobile ride is also covered insurance.The local guide or tour conductor take care of our clients.

허인가 신고처 Travel Agency No.164 (Regionally Limited) Registered by Akita Prefectural Governor
가입보험의 정보 미쓰이 스미토모 해상 화재 보험 주식회사 ・전국 통역 안내 사배상 책임 보험 ・최대 1000만엔 ・보험 기간:2025년 9월 1일 오후 4시까지 : Takeshi Ito / 미쓰이 스미토모 해상 화재 보험 주식회사・여행 특별 보상 보험 ・최대 1500만엔 ・보험 기간:2025년 3월 31일까지 ・증권 번호:NC13700457 손보 재팬 주식회사·상해 종합 보험(스노모빌)·최대 300만엔·보험 기간:2025년 3월 14일까지·가입자:주식회사 AKITA Geo Tour
소지라인센스・자격명 The Regionally-Limited Certified Travel Supervisor / Yokote City Licensed Guide Interpreter / Yuzawa Geopark Lisenced Guide
재적스텝인원수 1

의 인기플랜

잠시만 기다려주십시오


자주있는 질문
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