【Niigata・Furumachi】Make a wind-chime and take a tour of the factory の紹介画像
【Niigata・Furumachi】Make a wind-chime and take a tour of the factory の紹介画像
【Niigata・Furumachi】Make a wind-chime and take a tour of the factory の紹介画像
【Niigata・Furumachi】Make a wind-chime and take a tour of the factory の紹介画像
【Niigata・Furumachi】Make a wind-chime and take a tour of the factory の紹介画像
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【Niigata・Furumachi】Make a wind-chime and take a tour of the factory

  • 초심자환영・첫도전
  • 빈손참가
  • 우천개최가능
  • 어린이 참가가능
  • 예약가능 인원수
  • 참가연령
    5세 ~ 100
  • 소요시간

All wind-chimes ring beautifully, but Niigata is especially famous for its crystal fuurin. The sound of these wind-chimes is clearer and louder than those made of regular glass. See for yourself, by joining us in making this amazing household decoration. This will be an unforgettable experience, especially since you will have the wind-chime to take home and remind you of it!

Design your own wind-chime by choosing from beautifully crafted

Most windchimes are made of glass, but with us you can make a beautiful windchime using your favorite colours that is made of crystal. Crystal allows for a clearer, more beautiful sound!

Learn about the history, purpose, and tradition of wonderful glass bell

The history of windchimes goes back hundreds of years and spans several countries. This is not just a beautiful decoration but an amulet against evil!

Take a tour of the glass factory for understanding of the windchime history

The windchimes are made of blown crystal, and we offer a unique tour of the factory where this magic happens!


요금에 대하여



※기재요금은 세금포함입니다
※상기는 기본요금입니다
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  • 온라인 결제
툭정상법에 관한 표시 툭정상법에 관한 표시
예약 취소 수수료 발생 일 출발일의 3 일전부터 취소 수수료가 발생합니다.
캔슬에 관하여 고객 사정에 의한 캔슬시에는 이하의 캔슬료를 부과하므로 양해 바랍니다. 3일 전: 30% 2일 전: 40% 전일: 50% 당일: 100% 무단 취소: 100%
개최중지에 관하여 Cancelation may occur due to natural disaster or store circumstances

플랜에 관한 상세정보

최소개최인원수 2
예약가능 인원수 2~10
소요시간에 관하여
개최기간 通年
집합시간 プランお申し込み時にご希望のお時間をご記入ください。

예약마감 22:59 之 전에 7 하늘

탈의실 화장실
샤워 주차장

플랜의 매력

プランの魅力  の画像

Design your own wind-chime by choosing from beautifully crafted hand-made parts.

プランの魅力  の画像

Create a decoration for your house to remind you of your trip.

プランの魅力  の画像

Learn more about the history, purpose, and tradition of this wonderful glass bell.

プランの魅力  の画像

Children are welcome!

プランの魅力  の画像

Take a tour of the glass factory !



②Take the train to Niitsu and walk to the factory(30分)
③Factory tour(30分)
④Learn about different parts of the windchime and the history(15分)
⑤Create your own windchime(40分)
⑥Goodbye and closing(5分)

액서스・ 지도


Niigata station

We will meet you at the station and take the train together.

모두의 체험담 0

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안전면에 관한 어필 포인트


가명단체・협회 新潟県国際観光テーマ地区推進協議会、新潟観光コンベンション協会、トキめき佐渡・にいがた観光圏戦略会議
재적스텝인원수 5


의 인기플랜

잠시만 기다려주십시오


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