- 0세~100세
- 2~3시간
- 08:30 / 13:00
- 0세~100세
- 2~3시간 /당일 6시간 이상
- 08:30 / 13:00
오가사와라의 바다에 사는 야생의 돌고래를 만나러 가자! 아름다운 바다를 우아하게 헤엄 치는 돌고래들. 살짝 두려워하지 않도록 접근 함께 수영을하자!
We were able to see a few pods of dolphins both Spinner and the Southern Bottlenose. The hike to Ogi Ike and Minamijima were great fun too. The pictures are amazing!It's fun even as a solo traveller. My camera ran out of battery towards the end and I couldn't take pictures of the stunning reefs at Cabbage Beach, which was slightly disappointing, but otherwise an awesome tour! The guides are very knowledgeable and fun, so the it was even more fun, learning about the different species of fish and their habitat and behaviour patterns, as well as other facts about the different islands.
- 0세~100세
- 당일 6시간 이상
- 08:30
- 6세~100세
- 2~3시간
- 13:00
오가사와라의 깨끗한 바다에서 스노클링을하자! 스노클링 초보자를위한 레슨 투어입니다. 다음날 돌고래와수영체험투어에 도전하고 싶은 분은 꼭 참가해주십시오!
おがさわら丸の入港日の午後の過ごし方として、幾つか選択肢はありましたが、スノーケルレッスンを選びました。結果的にこれが大正解! 天気予報があまり良くなかったし、翌日にはドルフィンスイムのツアーに参加予定ということもあり、スノーケルレッスンを選びました。 結果的にマンツーマンでのレッスンとなったわけですが、基本から丁寧に教えていただき、このレッスンでスノーケルに必要なスキルはほぼ完璧に身に付けられました。 また、レッスンといいつつも実際にスノーケルそのものも楽しめました。小笠原の素晴らしい珊瑚礁を満喫できました。 翌日のスノーケルも完璧に楽しめ、イルカに囲まれて泳ぐという体験もできました。
잠시만 기다려주십시오