株式会社バルコム(Balcom) のギャラリー
株式会社バルコム(Balcom) のギャラリー
株式会社バルコム(Balcom) のギャラリー
株式会社バルコム(Balcom) のギャラリー


株式会社バルコム(Balcom)의 특징

Our base is located on the north side of the city of Hiroshima.
Our company is Balcom Co., Ltd. the only Harley-Davidson authorized dealer in Hiroshima. We are preparing Harley-Davidson in good condition.

株式会社バルコム(Balcom)의 입소문・체험담

입소문・체험담은 없습니다

株式会社バルコム(Balcom)의 추천포인트

The tour will be accompanied by an English-speaking lead rider and support vehicle. Also, we can customize as you wish, so Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your visit.

After motor bike riding, we also offer optional tours. We will guide you to the city of Hiroshima, as you like. Let’s enjoy traditional local food, Okonomiyaki and Oyster with us !

株式会社バルコム(Balcom)의 정보

가입보험의 정보 全旅協旅行災害補償制度 特別補償として 傷害死亡1500万円 後遺症傷害 1500万円~45万円 (ツアー毎に加入)
소지라이센스・자격명 総合旅行業務取扱管理者、総合旅行業務旅程管理、大型自動二輪免許
가명단체・협회 全国旅行業協会

株式会社バルコム(Balcom)의 영업시간

영업시간 9:00~18:00
정휴일 日・祝日

잠시만 기다려주십시오

활동 체험으로부터 찾는다
로드 중